
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Loss For Words & ...Mainstream (?) Status

In a way, I've always liked the punk bands who make it and gain recognition. Even though people always talk crap about the bands who get popular, they seem to overlook the fact that these bands have worked really hard for what they now have. They forget that in this life (and surely not in the music world), nothing's free.

Think about it. What is it you'd like to do most in your life? Well, the kids in these bands want to be out there and play music, so why should we be against them for that? A happy life means being successful at what you love doing. There is nothing wrong with it and I don't think there is anyone who would say 'no' to success if it came their way.

I wrote the above having A Loss For Words in mind in particular. Now they must be a band everyone knows in the pop punk/ melodic hc scene. These guys have worked so hard as a band (and still do) to be where they are. A lot of people don't know that they released 4,000 cds of their The Kids Can't Lose album on their own because they couldn't get signed, or that they shot a video (which now has some 147,00 hits on youtube) with their own money. Respect to the hard working bands out there!

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