
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Rise and Fall - Live 21st Feb 2010!

If you were thinking that it is about time for a good hardcore live show, well, here is your chance: Belgium's own Rise And Fall! Preceeding a spring time filled with hardcore shows (i.e. Shai Hulud, Madbal & Terror, Vitamin X, H2O...), this could be considered a bit of a training for what's about to follow. 
Rise & Fall is a band I've kind of watched since their first album, impressed as I was by their fucked up metallic hardcore a la Integrity. What's different these days is that the band has established its own sound, still owing a lot to Clevo-core, but surely off on their own track. It's just the bleak, post heavy  hardcore that you expect to find on a label like Deathwish. Europe but especially Belgium has a lineage of awesome hardcore bands that push the limits of their sound, so Rise & Fall should be a definite check for any musically progressing hardcore fan.

What's more is that a bunch of good Greek bands are supporting that very same live.  Starting from backwards: Endsight (ex-For What Is Worth & Volume 69) will set things up for Rise & Fall with their metallic riffage meets Tragedy approach. Before them, I Want You Dead from Patra will kick some ass (missed them last time so really looking forward to see them), and rookie hardcore punks Ruined Families will open the show around 21:00 (doors open at 20:30).
And if all of the above is not enough for you, there will also be an  after-show party, right next door (Roi Mat club) for your convenience. I believe the djs there will rock in the expected hardcore-metal-punk way, that can follow a live show like this. The entrance is free. Awesomeness!

For more info on the concert contact  the organizers, World's Appreciated Kitsch here:

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